Greg Bailey Greg Bailey

cherry liquor

In this episode Greg and Dan talk about catching more fly’s with honey than vinegar, Lisa Scott Lee, and nostalgia as a trend. This episodes guest is “Trad” Queen Cherry Liquor. We learn more about who Cherry is, where her Drag sits within today’s scene, and of course we finish the episode with a round of cards against humanity, because… why not?

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Greg Bailey Greg Bailey

Adore Delano

In this episode Greg and Dan talk about stealing cookies, vines, grammatical gaffs and compromise. This episodes guest is Drag Race legend and wild child Adore Delano. We learn more about the origin of “Okurrr”, Greg and Adores mutual dislike of cult film that’s close to Dan’s heart, and of course we finish the episode with a round of cards against humanity, because… why not?

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Greg Bailey Greg Bailey


In this episode Greg and Dan talk about what it was like being gay in school, potpourri, anal sex as a solution to over population, and they revisit the subject of being able to say “no”. We learn more about this weeks guest, Baby. Her first year in drag, what she does as a performer, and what she wants to do next.

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Greg Bailey Greg Bailey


Welcome to episode one of Alright Darling. In this episode you’ll get to know our hosts, Author and Photographer Greg Bailey, and Brighton based hairdresser Dan Leo Stanley. In the second half of the show Greg and Dan sit down with Katya in her Brighton hotel room to discuss the power of "NO", what Katya hates about the UK, and they all play a round of Cards Against Muggles.

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